In Memory of Mr. Pete Seeger

PeterSeegerThe Arava Institute for Environmental Studies would like to take this moment to remember Mr. Pete Seeger. Yesterday was a sad day for those who admired Mr. Seeger, for the Arava Institute which Pete Seeger supported and for all those who love folk music and believe in the power of song to change the world.

In the words of Arava Institute Executive Director, David Lehrer, ‘Pete Seeger stood for justice and for  standing up for the weak and the powerless.   Mr. Seeger supported the Arava Institute because of our commitment to environmental justice in the region and because of our commitment to building bridges between people instead of walls.  We join with the rest of the humanity in mourning the loss of an important voice for peace, sustainability and human dignity.’

To read more about Pete Seeger’s life, love of music, and continual striving to bring peace to the region, please click here.

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