Together, we can build a more peaceful and environmentally sustainable future for the Middle East and the world.
At the Arava Institute we are training the next generation of leaders who have the competence and ambition to work cooperatively across borders. With your support, we will continue to generate these long-term people-to-people relationships which are necessary to transcend political boundaries and increase trust for environmental cooperation in the region. Together, we can build a more peaceful and environmentally sustainable future for the Middle East and the world. Thank you for considering a gift to the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies.
To make a tax deductible donation in US Dollars, please click here to donate online.
Please send U.S. check donations to:
Friends of the Arava Institute
1320 Centre Street, Suite 206
Newton Centre, MA 02459 USA
For more information on tax deductible donations in the United States (through Friends of the Arava Institute, EIN 11-3485736), please contact Rachel Kalikow.
If you are interested in including the Friends of the Arava Institute in your will or planned giving, please click here for more information. You can also contact Rachel Kalikow.
Stock Donations:
If you’d like to make a gift of stock, the information is below. Please notify Rachel Kalikow when you make your gift.
Brokerage Name: Schwab
Account name: Friends of the Arava Institute
Address: 1320 Centre Street, Suite 206, Newton Centre, MA 02459
Account Number 4208-8009
DTC: 0164
B’nai Mitzvah:
Click here for our kit of ideas to honor the Arava Institute!
Israeli Giving:
To make a donation in New Israeli Shekels (NIS) please click here to donate online.
For more information on Israeli giving, please contact Diana Spinrad, Director of Development.
Please send Israeli check donations to:
The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Kibbutz Ketura
D.N. Hevel Eilot 88840