2021 Tu B’Shvat Celebrations: Online events

Tu B’Shvat, the Jewish “New Year of the Trees” will be celebrated this year on January 27th and 28th. The holiday is usually celebrated as a day of awareness for environment, and often the planting of new trees. This year, Arava Institute staff and faculty will be part of a number of online events in celebration of Tu B’Shvat.

David Lehrer, Executive Director, and Dr. Elaine Solowey, Director of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture, will present the story of the revival of the Ancient Judean Date Palm at the Arava Institute.
Tuesday I Jan. 26 I 7pm Israel (12pm EST)
Please register here for free.
Dr. Elaine Solowey, Director of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture, shares the unique and successful story of growing palm trees from 2000-year-old seeds found in Masada. Thus, bringing alive this ancient species and its fruit.
Sunday I Jan. 24 I 8pm Israel (1pm EST)
Please register here for free.
Rabbi Michael M. Cohen, Arava Institute faculty and Friends of the Arava Institute staff member, and Suleiman Halasah, Institute alum and co-director of the Jordan-Israel Center for Community, Environment & Research speak about how, for a quarter of a century, the Arava Institute has created a working model with tangible results when it comes to cross-border cooperation in the region.
Friday I Jan. 29 I 4pm Israel (9am EST)

More information and registration –> here.

David Lehrer, Arava Institute Executive Director, and other Young Judaea alumni explore the creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and values-based work of the renewable energy revolution happening in Israel.
Thursday I Jan. 28 I 7pm Israel (12pm EST)

More information and registration –> here.

In celebration of Tu B’Shvat, the Jewish holiday recognizing ecology and trees, we will hear from David Lehrer, executive director of Israel’s Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, about the environmental cooperation between Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East.
Monday I Jan. 25 I 7pm Israel (12pm EST)

More information and registration –> here.

Hear how Israel’s innovations in water-technology are changing the world of conservation and economic development.  With our experts Dr. Clive Lipchin, Director of the Arava Institute’s Center for Transboundary Water Management, and others.
Wednesday I Jan. 27 I 8:30pm Israel (1:30pm EST)

More information and registration –> here.

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