Statement on current violence in Israel/Palestine

This spring we celebrate Ramadan, Easter and Passover – a time of hope, rejuvenation, redemption, and the blessings of coming together.

We condemn the current violence this holiday season, which goes against the grain of our shared humanity and hopes for this land that we inhabit together. As we as an Institute mourn these tragic events and condemn all types of violence, the ongoing conflict repeatedly reminds us of the need for open dialogue and collective work. The Occupation perpetuates violence and systems of violence which are antithetical to the Arava Institute’s vision for our region. We can not give up on dialogue and cooperative action to achieve justice and sustainable peace.

At the core of our work is a belief in partnership between Palestinians and Israelis that recognizes our shared humanity, interests, joint connections to the land, and the importance of dialogue as a tool for a more sustainable and just future for all.

Partnership and dialogue are challenging, require work, and need to begin now in order to fulfill the promise of these spring holidays for Palestinians and Israelis. Strengthening such cooperation is the best response to those who support violence on both sides.

Cross-border work and cooperation on areas such as climate change and water scarcity are critical to enabling political and diplomatic progress. The Arava Institute will continue to work with partner on these goals in our turbulent region that is has an urgent need for people-to-people approaches.

Now more than ever, we call to for a return to joint negotiations between our peoples. Until then, we urge you to join us to #CoResistTheViolence and work for peace and justice together.

Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed
Executive Director

Eliza Mayo
Deputy Director

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