Winners Announced for First Subgrant Call for GREENinMED Project

The Arava Institute is pleased to announce the winners of the 1st Israeli Subgrant call for the transboundary GREENinMED project. We are extremely eager to work with the winners to continue building out their eco-innovative products and services.

Granted and administered by the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies are the following companies:

1. 360 Technology, Energy, Entrepreneurship LTD: a pilot project featuring a triple-use agro-voltaic system for tourism.
2. Efal Technologies: an innovative climate cleansing system proposed to provide an optimal indoor climate similar to conditions found in nature. 
3. KET Water: an autonomous valve preventing water leakage.

Granted and administered by Kinneret College are the following companies:

1. OASIX: a prototype for mobile unit that presents a solution for smaller off-grid touristic businesses.
2. Eco Wave Power: combines onshore wave energy production with eco-tourism in the port of Jaffa.
3. Keren Energy: a management tool that helps improve water and energy efficiency in tourism.
4. Green Slide Eco Solutions: on the spot rinsing system for reusable cups.

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