Biogas Conference in Jordan

Last week, the final conference of the Middle East Regional Cooperation (MERC) Biogas Research Project was held at the Dead Sea Crowne Plaza in Jordan. The project entitled “Developing Integrated Waste Recycling Systems for Agricultural and Environmental Safety Purposes in Rural Communities in Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories” was run for the past six years by the Arava Institute in cooperation with the MERC program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Jordanian National Center for Research and Development (NCRD), and the Palestinian Water and Energy Development Organization (WEDO).

The two day conference summarized the accomplishments of the project, and presented a great networking opportunity, being attended by stakeholders from all over the region. Interested parties from Palestinian companies and organizations attended and presented their work, and Jordanian participants in the project and other colleagues also presented related research and projects.

We especially thank Dr. Shmuel Brenner of the Arava Center for Sustainable Development, who led this successful project through its scientific, political and logistic challenges.

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