Dr. Elise Machline

profile photo of Dr. Elise Macheline

Dr. Elise Machline

Director of the Center for Climate Change Policy and Research

Dr. Elise Machline was born and raised in France. She received her first degree in Geography from Paris 10 University. Dr. Machline immigrated to Israel in 2003, and holds a Masters degree in Desert Studies from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. In 2018, she completed her PhD in Environmental Studies and Geography at the Sorbonne University in cooperation with Ben-Gurion University, with a focus on the socio-economic impacts of green building policies through a comparative analysis between France and Israel.

Following a post-doctoral position at Ben-Gurion University researching “green” building policies, Dr. Machline joined the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research in 2019 as an associate researcher. She contributed to a national project on social housing policies, and joined the Habitat Observatory of the Luxembourg Ministry of Housing, overseeing research projects, workshops and conferences that focus on sustainable urbanism policies to mitigate climate change.

Currently, Dr. Machline is part of the Ecourbanism Research Network, a site for sharing knowledge and experience about eco-urban neighbourhoods in different parts of the world. Dr. Machline has published and presented widely on the topic of sustainable urbanism policies to mitigate climate change, and published the book: “Green-neighbourhoods and Eco-gentrification.”

Machline, E., Pearlmutter, & Schwartz, M. (2016). Parisian eco-districts: low energy and affordable housing? Building Research & Information, In Press 1-17. 
Machline, E., Schwartz, M. (2017) Demographic decline in a rural periphery-The Eshkol region in Israel. International Journal of Rural Management 13(2). pp. 115–139 ( 
Machline, E., Pearlmutter, D., & Schwartz, M. (2018) ‘Green’ value in Israel: Measuring the effects of environmental certification on apartment prices. Journal of Sustainable Development 11(5) 
Machline, E., Pearlmutter, D., & Schwartz, M., Pech, P. (2020) Social mix Policies in the French Eco-districts: Discourses, Policies and Social effects. Energy and Environment research, 6(1). 
Machline, E., Pearlmutter, D., & Schwartz, M., (2020) ‘Green’ Building as an Urban Branding Tool. 
Gorczynska, M., Machline, E. (2022) Public versus private discourse about the mismatch between housing demand and supply.International Journal of Housing Policy. 
Book chapters
Machline, E. (2019) ‘Yavneh, Israel: ‘Green’ neighborhood or ‘greenwash?’                           in About, C., Doussard, C., Holden, M. (re)Penser ville du XXIe siecle : 20 ans d’écoquartiers à l’international. Ed. Dunod/Colin, Paris (in French)
Gorczinska, M., Machline, E. (2021) Housing inequalities in wellbeing: a critical analysis of narratives from stakeholders in Luxembourg in Searle BA, Pykett J, Alfaro MJ. A Modern Guide to Wellbeing Research. Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham, UK
Machline, E., Pearlmutter, D., & Schwartz, M., Pech, P. (2020) Green-neighbourhoods and Eco-gentrification: A tale of two countries. Ed. Springer Nature, New York
Published government reports
Machline, E., Les prix de vente des terrains à bâtir en zone à vocation résidentielle entre 2018 et 2020
Licheron, J. & Machline, E., 29 nov. 2021, 12 p. Luxembourg: Ministère du Logement – Observatoire de l’Habitat.