Meet the Fall 2019 Campus Life Team

Illana Leizin, Campus Life Director

Illana was born in Russia and immigrated to Israel as a child. She was an Ecosystem Service assessment intern and a Program Associate at the Arava Institute during Aug-Dec 2015, an experience that influenced her greatly. In July 2018, she completed her MA at Tel Aviv University, researching social identity of sustainable fashion designers and consumers. She is the co-initiator of the Sustainable Fashion Forum in Israel as well as being involved with many cultural, social and sustainable projects, mainly in Tel Aviv, working with both local activists and decision makers. In addition, she worked at Tel Aviv University's Porter School of Environmental Studies as an international internship coordinator. Illana lives a zero waste life, enjoys yoga, cycling, and multi cultural music. After living in Tel Aviv for the past 13 years , she is exited to move to the Arava region and return to the Institute as a staff member!

Kareem Turaani, Program Associate

Kareem is from Zorga, Jordan. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental and Agricultural Engineering. He is an environmental activist and enjoys traveling, hiking, and horseback riding. He spent the last two semesters as a student at the Arava Institute and is full of expectations for another two semesters as a Program Associate.

Yair Stolarski, Campus Life Coordinator

Yair holds a Bachelor of Social Work from Tel Aviv University. For the last 15 years, he has been working in socially oriented positions like houseparent an the Ness Ziona Children and Youth Village, managing a regional psycho-social rehabilitation through occupation program, and most recently, establishing and managing a community residential project for young adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. Yair moved to Kibbutz Ketura with his wife and 2 children in 2018, and is looking forward to his second year at the Arava Institute!

Shira Fisch, Program Associate

Shira was born in California and moved to a small village in the Lower Galillee as a child. She has traveled extensively in North/Central/South America and has lived in different communities with specialized agriculture, such as raising goats and and organic vegetable farming with an emphasis on sustainability and communal living. She has worked in several youth programs, such as an addiction rehabilitation community in the North of Israel, and a youth summer camp in California. Shira is a serious music lover and occasional DJ, believing that music transcends borders and is a powerful tool for connecting people from different cultures. She studied at the Institute during the Fall 2019 semester of 2019 and is very excited to join the team as a Program Associate!

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