Beginning of Fall 2020 Program

3 students sitting outside their rooftop unit on campusYesterday we welcomed the 35 participants of the Fall 2020 Program at the Institute. Due to changing COVID-19 regulations in Israel and global travel restrictions, we have modified our regular semester program. This semester’s new and alternative academic program consists of four intensive accredited two-week courses in multi-disciplinary environmental studies, as well as a rich campus life program including regular dialogue and environmental leadership sessions. Interns will be involved in various projects of the Institute’s research centers.

Participants come mainly from Israel and Palestine, with additional individuals from Jordan, Ireland and the US each. In another first for the Institute, this semester has a majority of participants who are native Arabic speakers. The participants are currently enjoying a few days of orientation, getting to know each other, the Institute, and Kibbutz Ketura. All students and interns have tested negative for COVID-19 before arrival, and will be considered a living unit, while adhering to current guidelines of the Israeli Ministry of Health and the kibbutz.

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