During 4 years, the GREENinMED consortium deployed 4 work packages (WP) containing concrete actions. Through a transnational window of expertise, dissemination, coaching and direct funding, the GREENinMED project allowed to:
– Support the generation of innovative solutions related to water and energy management by spinoffs, start-ups and SMEs, called solutions providers.
– Contribute to the adoption of these solutions by tourism professionals in their establishments.
According to the information collected by GREENinMED partners, 77% of tourism companies (hotels, camping etc.) interviewed in this framework, stated that they have already taken steps towards more efficiency. However, as smaller establishments, they lack some investment capacities as well as the time and easy and quick access to skilled information to actually identify and then implement innovative solutions that have a quantified and verified impact and benefices. On the contrary, the solutions providers need support in promoting and support the adoption of their solutions already on the market and commercialization towards the tourism sector.