The GREENinMED project under the ENI CBC MED program, funded by the European Union, has just come to an end after four years of activities aiming to make the Mediterranean tourism industry more environmentally sustainable. In its final stage, 14 grants of up to 25,000 Euro each were awarded by the the project partners in Israel, Spain, and France, to start-ups or small and medium-sized enterprises for the creation of eco-innovative products or services that advance more efficient water and energy management in tourism.
The Israeli partners – the Arava Institute, Kinneret Academic College, and the Israeli Water Association, awarded the following 7 companies with grants:
- 360: an off ground agro-voltaic rooftop that combines 4 systems: a hydroponic system, with solar panels placed above them that produce electricity and heat water at the same time, and in the next stage, the electricity will be stored and can be used to charge electric vehicles. This system therefore opens a whole new market for rooftops.
- Eco Wave Power: a technology that produces electricity from waves in the sea. The energy generating system in the port of Yaffo was upgraded with a unique automation system that is shown on designated screens that show information on the power generated by Eco Wave Power, as well as general information on power generation from sea waves.
- Efal Technologies: an innovative climate cleansing system, that equalizes the temperature of the floor and the ceiling, which allows to reduce the activity of compressors in air-conditioning systems. This allows for energy savings of up to 85%. The technology is especially impactful in larger buildings, such as reception halls and similar in hotels and therefore highly relevant to make tourism more sustainable. At the same time, the system cleanses and improves the air quality in closed spaces and reduces air-borne pollution.
- Green Slide: a completely automized system that cleanses and sterilizes reusable cups on the spot, in only 15 seconds, with minimal water and energy consumption.
- Keren Energy – Daily Energy Code: a new dashboard that enables staff in tourism enterprises to follow energy use and expenditures. The goal is to reduce energy spending by 10% with the help of this monitoring tool.
- KET Water: a water leakage prevention system suitable for hotels, municipalities, or community centers. The prototype of this system, that controls the water system in a room like the light and electricity controlled with the help of the room key cards in hotels, so that there will be no water supply to the room when the guests leave it.
- OASIX: a portable self- sufficient infrastructure that provides all the basic living needs in one system: water, sewage, energy. The system can be connected to all systems of an off-grid touristic site, and it then manages the circulation of water, sewage and electricity, heating and cooling, in the most efficient way. This way, the Carbon footprint of this technology and business that uses is near zero.
All the products are presented briefly in this video:
To learn more about the Spanish and French GREENinMED subgrantees, please refer to these videos: