11 hotels in Israel have been selected to receive free consultations on how to improve their water and energy efficiency, as part of two calls for Innovation Voucher applications offered by the Israeli partners in the GREENinMED project – the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and Kinneret College.
GreenInMed is a three-year project sponsored by the EU in collaboration with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Capenergies (a French sustainability cluster), and the Israeli partners. The goal of the project is to increase sustainability in the Mediterranean tourism industry through a cross-border support system through information management, networking, financial support. The project is geared mainly towards hotels, but not exclusively. The vision of this initiative is to encourage a collaborative sustainable mindset that accounts for current environmental challenges. The Innovation Vouchers are one of the activities of GREENinMED, aiming to grant small and medium-sized SMEs free initial professional consultations regarding their water and energy use. The grantees of these vouchers will later have an opportunity to apply for sub grants, enabling them to implement some of the recommendations received during these consultations.
The following characteristics of the 11 Israeli Innovation Voucher grantees can be identified:
- They represent a wide range of areas of Israel: 4 are from the Arava region in the South of the country; 1 from the Dead Sea area; 1 from Jerusalem; 3 from the Tel Aviv/Central District area; and 2 from the Galilee.
- 6 are located in cities, and 5 in rural areas.
- 3 of them are small family-owned farms or bed-and-breakfast establishments, and 8 are medium-sized hotels.
- In terms of the required consultations, 5 businesses requested general advice on water and energy saving solutions; 2 of them wish to improve their energy efficiency; 2 are interested in eco-friendly building planning and hospitality solutions; and 2 listed questions regarding specific devices and machinery used.
Two relevant consultants have been chosen to provide the consultations, including detailed reports to the hotels and the GREENinMED project partners. Consultations to five of the businesses, which were chosen during the first call in the summer of 2021, have been completed, and they will receive the reports shortly, including recommendations for specific technologies and providers. The remaining hotels have been paired with a consultant each.
Please check the project website for ongoing updates on the process.