Your Typical Week

Every day is different at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, but this page is intended to give you a general understanding of your weekly schedule. Please choose one of the options below to see a typical week in the life of an Arava Institute student or intern — and be sure to  with any questions.

Students will receive their weekly schedules at the beginning of the semester, and will be updated about changes in schedule and additional events on a weekly basis. A sample weekly schedule is provided below – please note that class and activity schedules vary.

Please contact with any further questions or concerns.

Interns are part of the campus as well as the Arava Institute office staff. Their schedules vary according to their individual field and research projects. They will be updated on a weekly basis about communal activities, and work with their supervisor to monitor their workload and timetable. A sample weekly schedule is provided below – please note that research and activity schedules vary.

Please contact with any further questions or concerns.